(emphasis mine)
A character’s Ambition keeps them acting and moving both night by night and in the chronicle. It provides motivation for the player and story hooks for the Storyteller. An Ambition must be measurable in game terms (“My Ambition is to achieve Humanity 10”) or a concrete achievement in the world of the chronicle (“My Ambition is to liberate Chicago from the Camarilla”).
An Ambition is not something vague like “end racism” or “achieve world peace,” but instead focuses on something specific, like “bring True Death to (insert notably racist elder from your chronicle here)” or “end the Gehenna War in Ukraine.”
If an Ambition is unlikely to happen or would end the chronicle if achieved, it can still provide rich story juice – it only needs to be theoretically achievable.
If a character achieves their Ambition and the chronicle continues, the player should decide on a new Ambition, ideally one that has emerged during play or one that follows on the realization that their first Ambition left something undone or incomplete.
At the end of a session in which the character has actively worked toward their Ambition, they recover one point of Aggravated Willpower damage.
An Ambition is a long-term goal for your character.
It’s Measurable in game terms, or a concrete achievement in the world of the Coast.
It’s a specific, driving goal, that might well take years, decades, or even centuries to achieve.
It’s something you can take concrete steps towards achieving (often these will be your #bi-weekly desires
It’s something that you will want to interact with often during your time playing
Make your Ambition: